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/ Tru Type Explosion / Tru Type Explosion.iso / mardigra.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1992-09-13  |  62KB
Labels: book | bulletin board | door | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky
OCR: abedefghiikioenepgrs stuvooxuz ABGOEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWCYZ 123456789 !@ ELLFFEN":/? The quick bren fox jurps the tazy The quick breoon fex jumps ever the fazy deg. The quick brewn fex juaops over the fazy deg. The quick breon fex juoeps over the tazy aeg The quick bro Icon fex juoops over the tazy aog The quick brocon fex 1u00 over the tazy The quick broon fex juoops over the TUVWSV7 ELFFE breun Iazy